Have you ever taken the time to understand the real reason football players wear jerseys? Is it so we can be identified by the referees in a game? Is it so fans in the stands can tell what team we play for? Is it so our teammates can identify with us? Or does it have a deeper purpose? The color of your jersey signifies your teammates and previous players that have worn the jersey until you. A heritage was made by people from earlier times along with your teammates are those sweating and bleeding along with you daily to be certain everyone upholds that heritage and achieves success on and off the field. The jersey number stands for the liability you've got toward yourself. You're accountable to grind rather than end up in the face of hardship due to all the hard work and sacrifices you made to get prepared for life. The title on the back of your jersey reflects your loved one's members and friends. These are the men and women who have spent, broken...